The role of best friend comes with a long and varied job description! From chief wing-man/woman to shoulder to cry on, and from adventure buddy, to life coach, being truly a good friend is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Friendships that form over many years come together in a wonderful merging of journeys; no matter the course of your daily life, a lot of your closest childhood buddys will stick with you when you enter new chapters. Parenthood is one of these chapters. For most, it marks the conclusion of care-free life, and the 1s boozy nights out or wild student parties will seem only distant…
Make Money Momma
By Charlene Peters Making money isn’t this kind of terrible goal. Producing babies isn’t this type of terrible goal, either. However, a lot of women possess a difficult time trying to juggle both at once, which might make one or another seem terrible. This article will not have how-tos on how to juggle your time and energy with your child. Way too many factors exist for just one article to cover them all, and even summarize them to the level of success. However, introducing some points of reason could offer you, an excellent mother, some gas in your tank to possess the stamina to analyze all of the posts…